Fresno-Clovis Younglives

Fundraising Goal

What is the impact?

What is the story?

Being a teen is difficult and lonely. Being a teen parent is even more challenging.

Between 2019-2021, there were 2081 adolescent births in Fresno County, where parents faced the following factors.


Experience depression


are in urban areas


have less than a high school education


live in high poverty neighborhoods

What is the Need?

Young parents need a support system to come alongside them and their child, as they navigate life's challenges. Everyone needs a cheerleader and advocate.

Research shows that the most important thing a child needs to be resilient is a stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult who can serve as a mentor.

U.S. Surgeon General Report:

Protecting Youth Mental Health (2021)

What is the solution?

YoungLives is a mission community of caring adults committed to developing servant leaders who are called to care for teen parents. Teen parents are surrounded and supported through the following:


Volunteer leaders who engage with teen parents and form relationships with them.


It is a gathering of teen parents and leaders with childcare workers to care for their babies. A meal is shared and teen parents are encouraged through inspirational messages, music, fun and laughter. They hear God's unfailing love for them.


Is a place of belonging where teen parents meet weekly after camp and continue hearing the message of Hope that challenges and inspires.


It is often called "the best week of my life" by teen parents who are ale to attend YoungLives camp! Young Life camps provide five days of fun where teen parents travel to a resort-type safe haven with their babies and their leaders. Throughout the week, young parents experience adventure alongside their leader and are given the opportunity to consider HOPE that life with Jesus offers.


A community of persons committed to supporting the ministry of YoungLives through fundraising and encouraging staff and volunteers.


Is the foundation where his message of LOVE and HOPE is in everything we do in this relationial ministry.

You Were Made for this

Your story matters, and it can make a difference beyond what you imagine.

Volunteer your time to work directly with young people.

Support the staff and leaders as part of the local adult committee.

Give resources to start or sustain the financial foundation at the local or national level.

The involvement of people like you is vital to healthy, sustainable, quality youth work in your area and across our nations.
Contact us via the buttons below to find out about getting involved.